This is testing week here in Louisiana so us first graders have been locked in our rooms all week with NO breaks. No P.E., music, or recess. Under the circumstances, they have been fabulous. I on the other hand could use a day off. Anyway, we have been talking all week about Earthworms and why they are important to Earth. I have been using Amy Lemons "Earth Day Craftivity Unit" from TPT. I HIGHLY recommend it. It's fabulous.
Yesterday we did the earthworms can, have, need worksheet. Today I brought in real worms and we observed them. Each student was given a paper plate and one worm. We observed how they moved, the fact that they have no back bone, tried to find all 5 of their hearts, and eewwwed and ahhhhed over them. It was SO funny to see the little girls letting the worms crawl all over and see the little boys screaming because they were scared. One little boy told me after I had given him his worm, "uhhhh, Mrs. Gillich, I'm pretty sure you gave me a baby rattle snake, I don't want it!!!!". It was hilarious. Trust me.
I so wish I had pictures but seeing as how it's testing week our phones have been on lockdown in the office. I hope everyone is having a great week!
-Mrs. Gillich