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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tell All Tuesday-Summer Flashback

It's Tuesday, y'all and I am linking up with some lovely ladies for my first Tell All Tuesday-a Weekly Summer Linky! Thanks Jayme from Teach, Talk Inspire and Diana from My Day in K for organizing this!

I LOVE Summer. After all, name a teacher who doesn't. Spending the summer with my little family I created is just perfect. We aren't a family who has the need to constantly stay busy with summer camp after camp and activity after activity. We seriously can stay at home all day and have a great day. We've spent this summer with the perfect mix of activities and lazy puzzle days at home. My kids are super easy going, go with the flow type kiddos.

With that being said, my summer flashback memory is to last summer. My mom and I brought my boys to Biloxi, MS. It isn't the prettiest "beach" but it's close to our house and we needed a quick getaway. My mom had just found out her cancer that she had just finished chemotherapy for had not gone away like we had hoped. We didn't know what her options would be and we were devastated. This beach trip saved us. We got away, cleared our minds and my mom had a blast. I flashback to this memory not to be sad but to be thankful that we went. My mom is currently taking a treatment once a month and is doing so good!  I look forward to our next happy getaway under better circumstances. Just not this summer because I like my limbs and with all that nasty in the gulf, I'm staying put in Louisiana. :)

Thanks for checking me out and make sure to visit the Linky Party over at:

This week's Tell all Tuesday is Summer Flashback.  Pull out your photo albums and find your favorite summer flashback memory.  We can't wait to see everyone's photos and read about your summertime adventures.  Thanks for linking up with us.  
Here's how to join in on the fun:
1. Grab the picture and banner above and use it to link back to this post on your blog.
2. Write a post about the topic of the week.
This week is: Summer Flashback
3. Add your link below.
4. Advertise your post using any social media of your choice.